The Moorish Science Temple of America
Sheik Robert Webb-Bey, Sheik Azeem Hopkins-Bey, Chairman Terrence Hopkins-Bey
Historical Note
The Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) is a religious organization founded in 1913 by Noble Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew. Among many beliefs, he asserted that Black people are descendants of the Moors who governed North West Africa. As such Black people, or "so-called Black people" as the Moorish community phrases it, are not Black but Moorish Americans "Moslems" of Islamic faith. Noble Drew Ali was reported to have stood on street corners in Chicago proclaiming: "Come all ye Asiatic of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights, because you are not negroes. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine Creed. That you will learn to love instead of hate." In addition to the assertion of a specific national identity, the MSTA was founded instill national pride and spiritual upliftment at a particular point in American history when "so-called Black people" were searching for a sense of belonging in the midst of the Great Migration and shifting national politics.

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Interview: Spiritual Development and "Unfolding"
Interviewer: You've said a lot about "unfolding." Can you say more about "unfolding"?
Brother A: When we speak of unfolding, I am referring to spiritual development, and this is also in regards to the spirit because man is spirit and we're here to perfect ourselves spiritually in the sight of Almighty God Allah. The divine philosophy of the divine teachings in the Moor Holy Koran likens the Spirit unto a seed and how that seed holds within itself the potencies and attributes of every part of Allah. But seeds do not unfold into life, they manifest. So it has to go through stages to grow and unfold as does the bud unfold to show the flower. So while we're here on the earth, we're learning. We're learning to love instead of hate. We're learning life lessons. So through these life lessons that we're learning the spirit is growing and unfolding. It's developing to reach its highest potential.